Quality Policy



THEME & MEANING OF LOGO:At Century we do not differentiate patients on categories like – Religion, Caste, Rich, Poor, Employee, Outsider, Paying, Credit, Color, Race, etc. We do our duty of serving mankind by devoting our services towards easing their pain and giving them the desired relief as per our caliber and proficiency; just as the Mother Nature provides us the Primary, Secondary and Tertiary Colors which stand for different value in life and other colors are created from these Primary & Secondary colors (which are also the Warm & Cool colors).

The primary colors are red, yellow and blue – these colors form our inner core of logo which stands for

Red – Red is the color of fire and blood, so it is associated with energy, strength, power, determination as well as passion, desire, and love. At Century all our Medical & Support staff are dedicated to work for the welfare of patient and to resolve their medical problem with support & compassion.

Yellow- Yellow stands for freshness, happiness, positivity, clarity, energy, optimism, enlightenment, remembrance, intellect, honor, loyalty, and joy. At Century we are in continuous process for Upgradation of our presentation and ambience.

Blue-Blue is the color of the sky and sea. It is often associated with depth and stability. It symbolizes trust, loyalty, wisdom, confidence, intelligence, faith, truth, and heaven. At Century we believe TRUST as very important factor hence, this color symbolizes our long standing loyalty towards the public.

 The three secondary colors (green, orange and purple) are created by mixing two primary colors and our logo has these as guiding principles and they stand for:

Green – Green, the color of life, renewal, nature, and energy, is associated with meanings of growth, harmony, freshness, safety, fertility, and environment. At Century we strive to save each life brought to us and make them free from ailments and provide them a safe life ahead.

Orange – Orange is associated with meanings of joy, warmth, heat, sunshine, enthusiasm, creativity, success, encouragement, change, determination, health, stimulation, happiness, fun, enjoyment, balance, sexuality, freedom, expression, and fascination. At Century we try to create positive thinking and teach self dependency to our patients and their relatives with providing family like atmosphere in hospital.

Purple – Purple combines the calm stability of blue and the fierce energy of red. The color purple is often associated with royalty, nobility, luxury, power, and ambition. Purple also represents meanings of creativity, wisdom, dignity, grandeur, devotion, peace, pride, mystery, independence, and magic. At Century we try to provide the state of art facilities but at the same time keeping the cost at very optimum levels as compare to the facilities around us, maintaining our dignity and pride  and continuing our devotion in patient welfare.